Beloved Sunflower

Sunflower field under blue sky during daytime.

In the fields of gold where summer’s warmth resides 

A sunflower stands proud gazing towards the sun 

Its petals spread wide like golden tides, 

A testament to nature’s art so finely spun.

Oh, sunflower fair in brilliance you gleam, 

A light of joy in the fields of green 

With every gentle sway you dance and dream 

A sight so splendid that you can’t unsee.

Amidst the whispers of the gentle breeze, 

Your beauty flourishes as a sight to admire 

In your radiant presence the soul finds ease 

As you stand tall in nature’s choir.

Oh, how you captivate with every bloom, 

My most favorite flower in sunlight’s room.

Loving the Feedback

I feel super comfortable in the direction I am going with my thesis. I feel I am truly turning it into something that I not only care a lot about but also something very personal to me. I am able to explore and truly understand things I am genuinely interested in.

Tonight in class it was very helpful receiving positive feedback as I was a little nervous about how it might sound out loud instead of just me reading it myself, and I might say it really gave me a boost on how I was feeling about completing this thesis.

I am genuinely excited to see the completion of my project as it comes to life. I am excited more on how I will be able to present this in different forms to bring it all together.

I do question the next two weeks as I want to complete all of my blogs so I am able to edit them and it is very possible. That is a blog a day until we meet again, then I can take March to really begin to edit and design this project on their different platforms. I do have the vision, but I am excited to see it all come together.