Odyssey’s Journey

A Greek Mythology Poem

low-angle photography of the corner of brown concrete pillars.

The Odyssey, attributed to Homer,
one of the most enduring stories.
Odysseus, heroic and flawed,
his journey spans years, a witness
to the indomitable spirit.
From the trials of Polyphemus,
to Circe’s enchantments,
Odysseus navigates danger.
The Odyssey is a story
of perseverance, longing to return
To his beloved land of Ithaca, to reunite

with his wife Penelope and son Telemachus.

Through trials, Odysseus remains

determined to overcome every obstacle.
But the Odyssey delves deeper,

into themes of identity,

loyalty, temptation, and time. But through trials,

Odysseus remains determined to

overcome every obstacle.

Heading Towards The End

I wish I had more updates , I feel like a broken record machine. But not much is new. This past spring break week I dedicated to formatting. Putting things into place now I believe will help me see the bigger picture in the end. In this case it will help me visualize just how I want my vignettes to look, read, and flow. The way it flows is the most important to me right now. Finished up the format for now and added the title page, dedication page, and the introduction to reader page. Now because those are done, I plan to edit and revise this week and next and then end the final note to the reader at the end of the vignettes. But yeah, that’s all I have to share for now. Staying as focused and as motivated as I can.

A Reflection on Diane Seuss’s “Frank Sonnets”

Your “Frank Sonnets” collection of sonnets is a revelation 

a bold take on poetry’s traditional form as

each sonnet challenges norms with determination, 

breaking free from the constraints it once controlled. 

In this book the sonnets become a vessel

navigating through the emotional terrain and

with each verse, you uncover life’s battles

balancing despair and hope’s delicate refrain.

I’m amazed by the way you confront many themes 

in particular themes likes suicide you approached with grace

infusing wit and wisdom into every line

as you delve into life’s complexities. 

your poems offer readers a profound view 

a true testament to the human journey we all embark upon

2/4 Update

This week bagel the actual planning of how I want to present my thesis as this will be a major part of hw it all comes together. I have decided that the best place to truly showcase my work will be through a WordPress. I want al of my content in one area.

I no longer like my idea of having multiple platforms as it may be to confusing and not truly be a great representation of the development of my thesis. I went ahead and created a new WordPress account strictly for thesis and each week I will begin posing the blogs I have already written to the page.

The actual writing of the blogs is taking me bit as I am going through alot of information to find topics that do not sound the same in context. I want these blogs to each have a unique topic within the realm of how parents introduce their children to tech tools and the ways in which this is enhanced through the Childs education progression.

This week I would like to get some ideas from my peers on the WordPress design and the topics that could be potential blog post. I want some outside opinions, so instead of saying work I will come with a key list of questions for my peers to help me bring my project together as a whole.

Moving Along…

This week I was a bit on a roll, after Monday’s class I wrote about two more vignettes that I am proud of. I won’t be surprised if the moment hits me again and I write another. However as of right now I am focusing on the order, and the structure in how I will present/submit my thesis. Dr. Zamora’s feedback last class was really insightful and helpful in understanding what is expected of my next. This process is not tedious but it is a bit challenging. I’m excited to see this come a bit more to life and maybe get even more inspired and write a bit more before my final final submission 🙂