All posts by inspiredjas


While reading “Emphasize The Positive” I found a lot of things interesting about this article. From where he grew up, to how he grew up and his outlook on certain things.

What stood out to me the most was his novel Deacon King Kong. McBride making the main character a good cop in my opinion may have caused those of the same race confusion as to why McBride chose to make the police officer the “good guy”. Over the past years, there has been so many negative things happening between police officers and African Americans. Although there Amy be some people that believe that all police officers are ‘bad guys’ that isn’t true.

McBride states, “Most cops are good people. They’re not paid well enough. They’re not respected enough”, I believe this statement to be very true. There are many police officers that do what is right, they protect and serve just as they are supposed to do. There is so much light shining on the police officers that are not protecting a serving but using their “power” to abuse. I think McBride making the character “the good guy” helps people remember that there are good police officers that are protecting and serving their communities the way they are intended to.

Questions for James McBride:

  1. At what point in your life did you realize writing was something you wanted to dive into?
  2. Have you received negative comments about making the police officer in your story the ‘good guy’?


Before the start of this semester I had seen a video or two on TikTok about AI and how college students were using it for writing. I wasn’t too sure what it was and didn’t do any further research but thought it was pretty cool. This weeks reading and documentary gave great insight on AI and gave a better understanding as to what it is and what it does.

I find this way of writing or this tool of writing I don’t disagree with AI or dislike it, I do feel and believe that AI can be a helpful tool when it comes to writing but not the only tool. I personally don’t want to see the human touch disappear from writing completely. It can be a great way to get things started if it is difficult.

as for the documentary I find that AI can be very beneficial in so many ways but again I say it would be greta as an extra tool and not so much as what completely takes over everything. Im very interested to learn more about it and how it can be beneficial in all aspects.

The Beginning of The End!

Im starting this semester with so much excitement but also very anxious. This is my last semester as an undergraduate student. I have waited for this moment for what feels like forever, to finally say “this is my last semester”, it has been a long time coming.

Im anxious because I’m thinking about what’s to come next and how I will manage and navigate through that. I do want to keep going and not stop for any reason at all, but I also don’t want to become overwhelmed with everything I have going on already.

For those of you that do not know me, my name is Jasmine. I’m senior here at Kean University. My major is English-Writing with Psychology as a minor. I’m really looking forward to #NetNarr this semester and learning as much as possible. Looking forward to a great semester.