As professor Martinez Finished his PowerPoint, he quickly switched to another tab Displaying A.I.D.E.N., an artificial intelligence-based teaching assistant.
“Okay class, before we end today, allow me to introduce A.I.D.E.N. an AI software that the university will be utilizing. it has the capability to answer your questions. However, I encourage you to look for answers on your own. Don’t use this as a crutch for your learning. Think of it more as a supplementary tool.” Professor Martinez watched as the students’ eyes shifted towards the screen. A.I.D.E.N. displayed a friendly smile and a prompt to ask any questions.
A student cleared their throat and asked. “Professor, do you believe that A.I.D.E.N. could replace human teachers in the future? Like, entirely?”
Professor Martinez let out a chuckle. “Oh, I highly doubt that, but I wouldn’t put it past someone to try.”
As he finished speaking, a beep sounded, indicating that A.I.D.E.N. had a response to the student’s question.
“it is important to note that AI cannot replace the human connection and empathy that comes with learning from a real teacher. As Professor Martinez mentioned, AI should be viewed as a supplementary tool, not a replacement.”
“and on that note, we’ll end class there. Remember your essays are due tonight at 11:59 pm. I look forward to reading them. Make sure to properly cite.”
As the students began to pack their bags, Professor Martinez watched as A.I.D.E.N.’s screen dimmed. He couldn’t shake off the feeling that there was something off about the AI. Maybe it was the way it spoke lacking any emotion.
Later as Professor Martinez sat in his office grading papers he heard a soft knock on his door. He looked up, surprised to see his student, Emily, standing in the doorway.
“Professor Martinez, can I talk to you for a minute?” Emily asked with an air of concern
“Of course, come on in take a seat,” Professor Martinez replied, setting his papers aside.
Emily took a deep breath before speaking. “I just wanted to talk to you about my essay. I know I didn’t do well and I tried my best, but I had a really hard time with it. And…A.I.D.E.N. wasn’t much help either.”
Professor Martinez’s eyebrows furrowed at the mention of A.I.D.E.N. “What do you mean? Did it not provide you with the proper information?”
Emily shook her head. “No, it did. But…it just felt like I was going in circles. I kept asking it to clarify but it just kept repeating the same answer. and I was getting so frustrated. There was no empathy or understanding.”
Professor Martinez nodded, “I see. Well, that’s one of the limitations of AI. It can provide information, but it cannot fully understand where we struggle where we really need help. That’s why it’ll never replace human interaction. I’m glad you came to me. So lets talk about your essay.”
I had a lot of trouble condensing this short story. Originality I wanted to write about Professor Martinez being overshadowed by A.I.D.E.N but as I was writing I thought of making it a struggle the students had to go through. I sat down for 15 mins and wrote so much dialogue, I gave Martinez a whole backstory, family, and A LOT of stress over the future of his future.
I used sudowrite for this cause, unlike ChatGPT it suggested different directions for this story to unfold. (funnily all the AI dialogue in this story came from AI). using it was a struggle due to the fact it was shifting the story into direction I did not want to go. It tried introducing several different characters, and even gave A.I.D.E.N a physical body and sentience. terrifying. It also kept repeating the phrase “human empathy and connection” at every point it could. Every prompt it had was surrounding that and nothing else. It had no drive to move the plot or add new ideas.
I started writing this story on paper and gave the characters depth and emotions: stress, love, connection, worry. But when I started to condense and use sudowrite it stuck to only human empathy. clearly showing the difference in AI and my own creativity.