Tag Archives: Technology in schools

ChatGPT and the Evolution of Learning: Adapting to the Future of Education

Photo by MChe Lee on Unsplash

Artificial intelligence, including the new A.I. chatbot ChatGPT, has become increasingly prevalent in today’s society. Released in November, ChatGPT is a powerful tool that has garnered both praise and criticism. Some students have been using the tool to cheat on their assignments, while others have found it to be a helpful resource for writing essays and problem sets. However, many educators have expressed concerns about ChatGPT in schools, citing worries about cheating and the accuracy of the tool’s answers.

Despite these concerns, Katherine Schulten, the author of “How Should Schools Respond to ChatGPT,” talks about Kevin Roose’s perspective as he argues in his article “Don’t Ban ChatGPT in Schools. Teach With It.”

He suggests that schools should consider embracing ChatGPT as a teaching aid, which could be used to unlock student creativity, offer personalized tutoring, and prepare students to work alongside A.I. systems as adults.

Roose acknowledges the ethical concerns around A.I.-generated writing and the accuracy of ChatGPT’s answers. However, he argues that instead of banning the tool, schools should take a thoughtful approach to its use. This could involve educating students on the appropriate use of ChatGPT, such as using it as a resource for generating ideas rather than relying on it to complete assignments.

Some schools have responded to ChatGPT by blocking access to it. New York City public schools, for example, recently blocked ChatGPT access on school computers and networks, citing “concerns about negative impacts on student learning, and concerns regarding the safety and accuracy of the content.” Schools in other cities, including Seattle, have also restricted access.

Ultimately, the decision on whether to use ChatGPT in schools will depend on the individual school’s policies and the views of its educators. However, as A.I. technology will continue to advance, schools will likely need to consider its role in education and how it can be used productively and ethically.

Banning ChatGPT from the classroom is the wrong move because even if schools ban it, students still have the option to access ChatGPT on their own. Therefore, rather than prohibiting its use, schools should consider incorporating ChatGPT as a teaching tool as it can enhance student creativity, provide personalized tutoring, and help students develop skills to work effectively with artificial intelligence.