Life Lately

Life has been quite busy lately between work, school, and personal life. My father recently had surgery, which has been a big focus for me and my family. I’ve been able to spend some time with him, and we’ve had meaningful conversations. One moment that stands out was when we saw a commercial of a person doing occupational therapy. It reminded me of my sister’s accident, which feels like it happened just yesterday.

It’s hard to believe that on October 21, 2024, it will be three years since that day—a day that completely changed the course of my family’s life. Dealing with these emotions has been challenging, especially while working on my thesis. For those who don’t know, I’m writing a memoir about my sister, focusing on the accident and its impact on my family.

I’m excited to share that I recently also had a conversation with my sister, and she has agreed to give me a piece that she wrote during the time of the accident. I think it will be an amazing addition to the memoir, offering her own perspective and words from that period. It feels like a crucial piece to include.

Currently, I’m still in the discovery phase, gathering memories, conducting family interviews, doing research—particularly about her C3-C7 neck fracture, and piecing everything together.

Progress, no matter how small, adds up over time.