Tag Archives: Thesis

Finding Inspiration

A few weeks ago, I picked up a book called The Story of My Life, filled with a diverse range of writing prompts designed to write about personal reflection. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I hoped it would give me some structure and inspiration as I work through the more difficult parts of my memoir. It has turned out to be exactly what I needed.

The prompts have been incredibly useful in helping me free write and discover new ideas about my sister’s story and mine. I feel that when you’re so close to a story, it’s easy to miss the smaller moments that make it whole. But I was meant to buy this book. Perfect timing. I picked it up casually grocery shopping at Walmart on a Sunday evening. This new book has been a tool in helping me reconnect with memories and emotions tied with my sister and our shared experiences together.

Unlocking New Details

I’ve been surprised by how much I’ve been able to uncover with these prompts. Each question seems to push me in a new direction, helping me recall specific moments I had forgotten, or hadn’t realized were so important. For example, one prompt asked me to describe a moment in my life when I felt both joy and sorrow at the same time. That led me to write about the time I saw and recorded my sister taking her first steps two weeks after the accident, a bittersweet moment that I hadn’t planned to explore/write just yet, but now feels central to the story.

This book is not just helping me organize the facts and events, but it’s also pushing me to explore the emotions behind them. It’s making me look at the little things: our conversations and how we always support each other through difficult times. It’s not just about the big events, it’s about the little moments, the emotions that accompanied them, and the impact they had on both of us. The prompts have given me a new sense of clarity and focus as I move forward with the memoir.

I’m also starting to think about the kind of research that will help deepen my understanding of the themes I want to explore. Since my memoir revolves around my sister, our family, and the impact of the accident on our lives, I need to go beyond just personal reflections and memories. Researching grief, trauma, and resilience; particularly how these themes play out within families will be essential for adding depth to my writing.

As I continue to develop my thesis, I’m realizing how important it is to delve deeper into certain areas of research to strengthen the narrative. In addition to exploring themes of grief, trauma, and resilience, I would like to also research the specifics of my sister’s injury: C1-C3 neck vertebrae fracture. Understanding the medical and emotional implications of such a severe injury will be crucial for capturing the reality of her experience, as well as how it affected our family dynamics.

By studying the medical aspects of spinal injuries, I hope to provide more context around her recovery and the challenges we faced. This research will not only inform the memoir but also help me approach the story with more accuracy. Moreover, it will allow me to explore the long-term physical and emotional impacts of such trauma, which are vital to understanding the deeper layers of our journey through this life-altering event.

In the Works…

Hi all! For those who know me, whether through past classes or personal conversations, you’ve likely heard me talk about my sister and the tragic car accident that changed our lives. It’s a story I’ve carried with me for a long time, and now, in the midst of my thesis project, I find myself ready to explore it in a way I never have before. The decision to write a memoir about my sister wasn’t an easy one, but the process of discovering this idea felt both inevitable and necessary.

The Seeds of the Memoir

When I first began thinking about potential thesis topics, my first focus was on areas directly related to my professional background, particularly themes tied to my current role in being a paralegal. Yet, there was this persistent pull toward something more personal—something raw, intimate, and transformative. As I reflected on my experiences, I realized that my sister’s story, and by extension, my own, deserved to be told.

This was not just a moment of personal reckoning, but a turning point in my creative process. I needed to dig deep, beyond the academic and professional, to something that I felt was at the core of my being. The accident that almost took my sister’s life forever shaped the person I am today. But, more importantly, it defined the way I understood loss, resilience, and healing.

Entering the Discovery Phase

Once I made the decision to write about my sister, the real work began—rediscovering memories, feelings, and events I hadn’t fully processed before. I knew that writing a memoir would mean revisiting painful moments, but I also knew that it would offer a chance for reflection and, perhaps, closure.

During this discovery phase, I started by mapping out the key moments in our relationship—before and after the accident. The process was, and still is, emotionally taxing. It’s not just about writing a story; it’s about reliving one. There are times when I sit in my kitchen table and stare at a blank page, unsure of how to give life to something so personal. But then, memories flood back—her smile, her laugh, her essence. That’s when I realize this memoir is not just about the accident. It’s about her life, and my journey through grief and healing.

The Power of Reflection

While reflecting on the events leading up to the accident is difficult, there’s also a deep sense of purpose in this process. I am learning not only about my sister but also about myself. How did her life and loss shape my decisions? How did it guide my career and the paths I’ve chosen since?

This reflection has brought up many questions, and in some ways, I don’t yet have all the answers. But I’ve come to understand that this thesis will be a living project. As I write, I continue to discover new layers of meaning in the memories I once buried or tried to forget. And through that discovery, I’m finding a voice that feels authentic and true to our shared experience.

Moving Forward

I’m still in the early stages of writing this memoir, and the path ahead feels daunting. But there’s a certain freedom in embracing this challenge. Writing about my sister’s life is both an act of love and remembrance. It’s also an exploration of how we survive loss and the ways in which our stories, painful as they are, need to be told.

This thesis project will likely evolve as I go deeper into the writing process. I expect there will be moments of frustration, of deep sadness, but also moments of joy as I rediscover parts of my sister that I thought had faded with time. Writing this memoir is not only a way of honoring the impact she has had on my life, but also a chance for me to reflect and grow. It’s about preserving the connection we still share and celebrating her life in a way that gives voice to both our journeys.

Quick Life Update!

Most recent hike Stairway to Heaven – Vernon Twp, NJ

This summer brought significant changes, both in my professional life and in my personal connection with nature. After being promoted to paralegal and head of the Worker’s Compensation department at the law firm, I found myself facing a new set of challenges, from more demanding deadlines to a steeper learning curve. While it was thrilling to take on these new responsibilities for being recognized for my hard work, it also required navigating the unknown. To balance the intensity of this transition, I made it a point to spend more time outdoors, hiking along scenic trails and enjoying the serenity of the beach. These moments in nature provided the clarity and reset I needed to manage the pressures of my new role.

Navigating these changes required more than just technical skills; it called for a shift in mindset. I had to learn to delegate effectively, manage my time with precision, and maintain my well-being amid increased pressure. Balancing work and personal life took on a new dimension, and it was in this demanding environment that I began to second-guess my decision to return to school this semester.

I’m faced with the question many of us face: How do I juggle a full-time job, part-time school, family commitments, and a social life? It’s a daunting task, and the thought of managing all these responsibilities simultaneously has been overwhelming at times.

In the midst of this, I’ve found myself questioning whether I can truly handle everything on my plate. The doubt is real, and the fear of burnout is tangible. Yet, there’s also a part of me that’s deeply grateful for this season of growth. The challenges I’ve faced have been profound learning experiences, and they’ve equipped me with new skills and insights that I can bring into my studies and beyond.

Even though I’m feeling drained, I’m also incredibly grateful. This period of intense growth has taught me the importance of resilience and adaptability. It’s made me more aware of my own strengths and limitations and has shown me that I can handle more than I initially thought.

Returning to grad school after such a transformative summer feels like stepping into a new phase of my educational journey. The skills I’ve honed at work—like strategic thinking, effective communication, and time management—are all assets that will enhance my academic performance. And while the balancing act will be challenging, it’s also an opportunity to apply what I’ve learned in a practical setting. 

I don’t have a definitive thesis topic in mind just yet, but I’m optimistic that I’ll develop one in the coming weeks. As I delve deeper into the coursework and engage with available resources and discussions, I expect a clearer direction to take shape. Exploring different ideas and conducting early research should help pinpoint a specific area of interest. I’m excited about the possibilities and committed to finding a topic that aligns with both my academic and professional background, while also making a meaningful contribution to the field. I’m eager to discover a topic that resonates with me and to work toward a thesis that reflects my growth and aspirations.