Molly had always been an excellent college student. She always took pride in her schoolwork and did everything possible to make sure it was as perfect as possible. Each semester she got good grades, always prepared for her tests and was always praised for her hard work and dedication. This semester something was off. Molly was having trouble completing her assignments on time. She would put in long hours at night to try to finish her work, but it still wasn’t enough. One day during class Molly’s professor, Professor Johnson offered the class to use AI-assisted tools for their assignments (SudoWrite). Molly jumped at the opportunity. She used an AI-based writing assistant on her computer to help her with her essays. It would suggest different words and phrases used, help her with grammar and punctuation, and even suggest ways to improve the structure of her papers. At first, Molly was hesitant and wasn’t sure about using this technology but she soon realized it was a huge help to her and it made her life much easier. She was able to complete her assignments faster, and her grades began to reflect her hard work. Professor Johnson was impressed. She had heard about these AI-assisted tools, but she never expected to see them being used in her classroom. Professor Johnson had only heard the bad stories about AI-assisted tools. She only wanted her students to use it as a way to help enhance their work not do it for them. She was intrigued by the technology and decided to use it herself (SudoWrite). She began to use AI-based tools to help her with her lesson plans. She found that the AI was able to provide her with more ideas than she had previously thought of. It also made it easier for her to keep up with the latest educational trends and best practices. Professor Johnson noticed that her students were finishing their assignments faster, and their grades were starting to climb. She began to use the AI-assisted tools more and more, and soon her students began to excel. She was now able to stay ahead of the curve and provide her students with the best education possible. The AI-assisted tools proved to be invaluable for both Professor Johnson and her students. They were able to stay ahead of the competition, and they had more time to focus on understanding the material rather than worrying about how to construct an essay or answer a question. And best of all, they were able to do it all with the help of AI. Molly was happy that she had taken the risk of using AI. She was now able to complete her assignments faster and more efficiently, and she was also able to stay ahead of the competition. But more importantly, she opened the door for her teacher and her classmates to use technology to improve their work (SudoWrite).
When I first started thinking about the final project I was really unsure what to write about. I didn’t know what my 500 word short story should be about or anything. I kept thinking to myself “how in the world will I produce a good story with only 500 words?” But of course after the workshop I was able to come up with something pretty good.
I decided to use SudoWrite, not too sure why but I like it much better than ChatGPT. It was just easier to navigate I guess. I asked SudoWrite so many questions to try and come up with an idea and after asking question #50 I was able to start my story. I have such a bad view of AI that I wanted to write a story of how good AI can be without taking over like it is doing now. Like I’ve said since day one, I like AI as a tool to help or enhance, not something that is completely taking over what humans can do independently and authentically.
Even though my story is pretty simple I really enjoyed this project. I liked using SudoWrite, it really helped me come up with a great idea and even helped with smaller ideas. This was a great project.